Document Upload Securely Transfer Your Documents To PBFE Supporting Documentation for your business can be sent to us using this secure file upload process. * ALL SENSITIVE INFORMATION IS ENCRYPTED FOR YOUR SECURITY AND NOT SHARED WITH ANY OTHER ENTITY.SUBMISSION INFORMATIONBusiness Name:*Enter the business name.Document Submitter:*Enter the name of the person submitting the documentation. First Last Submitter's Email:*Enter the email of the document submitter. Enter Email Confirm Email File Upload:*Max file size is 2MB. Acceptable file formats: PDF, TXT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, GIF, PNG Drop files here or Accepted file types: txt, doc, docx, pdf, jpg, gif, png, rtf. Message:*Describe the files being uploaded. ie: Driver's License, Business License, Voided Check, Etc.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.